Microsoft Access is a ……
Word Processing Software
Database Management Software
Presentation Software
Calculation Software
Answer: Option
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…… is a collection of data stored in a standardized format, designed to be shared by multiple users.
Database Management System
Answer: Option
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What is the file extension name of MS Access 2007?
……is not the function of database management system.
Creating & Processing Forms
Creating Database
Processing Data
Administering Data
Answer: Option
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If you need to edit relationship……
Right click the relationship line and choose Edit Relationship
Double Click the relationship line
Both of the above
None of the above
Answer: Option
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If you write criteria values vertically one in a row it will means ……
OR conditions
AND conditions
NOT condition
None of the above
Answer: Option
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Query design windows has two parts, The upper part shows…
Name of the fields, field type & size
Tables with fields & relationship between tables
Sorting check boxes
Answer: Option
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What do you mean by one to many relationship between student and class table?
One student can have many classes
One class may have many student
Many classes may have many students
Many students may have many classes
Answer: Option
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A table can have only one……
Alternative Key
Primary Key
Unique Key
Foreign Key
Answer: Option
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A ……name must be unique within a database.
Two tables can be linked with relationship so that the data integrity can be enforced. Where can you find relationship command…
File Menu
View Menu
Database Menu
Tools Menu
Answer: Option
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In one to many relationship the table in one side is called …… and on many side is called……
Child, Parent
Parent, Child
Brother, Sister
Father, Son
Answer: Option
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Which of the following key uniquely identifies a table?
Foreign Key
key Record
Primary Key
Unique Key
Answer: Option
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A search value can be an extra value or it can be……
Logical Operator
Wild Card Character
Comparision Operator
Answer: Option
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What is the full form of SQL?
Sophisticated Question List
Structured Question List
Structured Query Language
Small Query Length
Answer: Option
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The ……button on the tool box display data from a related table.
Sub form sub report
Select Object
More Controls
Answer: Option
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Database Management System are used to ……
Eliminate Data Redundancy
Manage File Access
Establish relationship among records in different files
All of the above
Answer: Option
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Form is used for……
Display Data
Input Data
Search Data
All of the above
Answer: Option
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Which of the following is a relational database management system?
To create queries in MS Access…
You can drag & drop fields on query builders
You can type the SQL command in SQL view
You can use query wizard or design view
All of the above
Answer: Option
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Which database object actually holds data?
You can automatically include all of the field in a table in a query by …… a strike that appear list box in query design view.
Right Clicking
Double Clicking
None of the above
Answer: Option
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A form can be used to……
Modify Record
Delete Records
Format Printed Output
All of the above
Answer: Option
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To create relationship between two tables……
drag the primary key of a table into foreign key of another table
drag the foreign key of a table into the primary key of another table
drag any field from parent table and drop on child table
any of above can be done to create relationship
Answer: Option
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